New Year's Eve Budapest
Here are coming the Christmas holidays but they will go as quick as they arrived. Nevertheless, the holiday fun does not stop just because Christmas is over. Right after we finish all the Christmas cakes, it will be time for preparation of welcoming the new year.
What is this New year welcoming festivity all about?
This time of the year is like a closing ceremony, means something is about to be over and we have the exact time to say goodbye for that period, which was possibly really the happy time or sometimes less happy, but definitely instructive if we are ready to learn from the lessons. And at 31 of December, right after midnight, we have the opportunity to use all the thing we learned and welcome the future, the countless opportunities to have a happy, lucky year. Long story short, that night is about sending the old year out with a big bang and welcome the new one with open arms and a huge smile!
How does it look like to celebrate New Year’s Eve Budapest, that is called here Szilveszter, since in Hungary name days are still celebrated and 31 of December belongs to the name Szilveszter. Hungarian people definitely celebrate during the whole day, making a lovely noisy atmosphere. In Hungary, the tradition/superstition says, if the people are noisy and loud enough, the bad spirits will go away and escape from the new year. It means, people even in Budapest can go and celebrate New Year either at a party or at a dinner with friends and family, but at least at midnight they are heading outside to toast with champagne and watch one of the closest fireworks and be extremely noisy.
Don' hesitate to choose our New Year's Eve Budapest Dinner Cruise!
You want to celebrate New Year's Eve in Budapest but cannot decide whether you have to celebrate the NYE in a fancy restaurant dressed up, or walking around the river to get a beautiful view of Budapest, perhaps hiking up the gellért hill to see some fireworks? No problem, you don't have to choose since our river dinner cruises offer you a one in a lifetime NYE celebration where you get a little taste of Hungary while enjoying the mesmerizing view of the capital.
Click on our special New Year’s Eve offer and book an unforgettable new year welcoming dinner on the Danube River on one of our cruises and float to the new year in a festive atmosphere. Whether you would like to celebrate with your love, closest friends or family, a new year cruise is one of the best choices to have a fancy dinner shared in good company at New Year's Eve.
Book your ticket for Dinner and Cruise on 31st of December
Tickets from: 173 €/person